Learn How Growing Churches See Up To 40% Of Their First-Time Guests Become Members

Dear friend,

If you'd like to see 40% of your first time guests become members then all you have to do is make a few simple changes to the one BIG event you're already doing every weekend...your Sunday service.

Imagine this...

Instead of seeing new people come once and then never seeing them again...you see them come back a second week, then a third...

Then respond to Christ...

And get baptized...

Pretty soon they're in your membership class and joining a small group...

Pipe dream?


But most churches don't see that...

Perhaps it feels like the back door of your church opens more than the front one?

And you might be wondering, "What's wrong with us? Why don't people come back?"

Well, nothing's wrong with you!

Did you know there are a few key changes you can make to your Sunday service that can MASSIVELY improve your return and retention rate?

And most churches are just a few steps away from success on Sunday...

Think about this.

You do it every week. You put in a LOT of time, prayer, energy, and resources.

So why would you not do EVERYTHING you possibly could to make your Sunday service the best it can be?

And I'd love to give you 10 practical changes you can implement right now to SHUT THE BACK DOOR FOR GOOD...

But first, a story...

Just last year we had the best attended service we've ever had at our church...on Easter Sunday.

We had over 400 vistors! Which was amazing but...

We didn't grow very much.

Over the next few weeks we noticed that most of the people that had come in the FRONT door had just as quickly went out the BACK door...

And I realized we had to make some changes.

So we quickly went into action and identified the KEY areas for improvement.

10 specifically that created the biggest impact.

And started seeing our guests come back a second and third time!

It didn't take long!

The good news?

You're proabbly not far off.

And even by implementing just one of the fixes I'll share with you in the course...you'll see results.

But I've got more than that for you.


It's called "10 Reasons People Don't Come Back To Your Church...And What You Can Do About It!"

A no-holds-barred deep dive into your Sunday service that you can use to slam shut the back door so more people become disciples of Jesus!

And for a limited time I'm offering this training at a DEEP discount - over $100 off the normal price...which is already a great deal considering...

This course is responsible for one church DOUBLING their attendance in only one year after implementing the training!

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Never underestimate what God can do with a small step of faith!

This simple 10 part audio training might just be what you need to shut the back door and see more of your guests become members and disciples!

See you on the inside,

Pastor Jake

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Inside you'll discover...

✔️The one laughably simple phrase to say at the end of your Sunday service that can increase your return visitors almost instantly...

✔️ Why your church shouldn't be for everyone and how you can leverage that to get more of the ones it IS FOR to come back and stay for good...most churches mess this up trying to appeal to everyone. (I'm mostly talking about transfer people here...not unchurched people looking for Jesus...you should be for ALL of them!)

✔️ The three primary reasons people come to church...once you know them you'll be able to meet their expectations and see them come back again and again...

✔️ The exact moment people make a decision to come back to your church or not...and what you can do to make sure you're making a great impression when they do! (You'll be SHOCKED when you learn what the research shows...HINT: Most of your first-time guests have already decided if they're coming back or not before the sermon even starts...)

✔️How to identify and implement a clear and compelling discipleship pathway so that your guests will always know EXACTLY how to take their next step...which results in MANY more sticking around and growing! Because confusing people is the quickest way to lose them...

✔️ Why your services are too long but not for the reasons you might think...and how to decrease length while increasing impact...which not only leads to more guests coming back week after week but also your existing members attending more frequently...

✔️Why it's harder for churches to grow as they get bigger...and how to make your church feel "small" for guests so they don't get lost in the crowd and feel a strong sense of community right away...

✔️The one small change we made at our small groups that massively increased the sense of community and "stickiness" of our groups...it worked so well we made it a requirement for all of our groups...

✔️How to eliminate the "smell bias" that you're probably not even aware of when it comes to your church...

✔️ The HUGE mistake most churches make when they try to fix what's wrong with their Sundays without a plan...

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✔️How one small change in the way you describe and deliver your sermons and sermon series can not only draw more guests but get them coming back week after week...it works by creating "open loops" using stories and questions that create an intense psychological urge to close the loop. This is a technique used by Jesus and some of the greatest evangelists and revivalists throughout history...

More on this...

With 2/3rds of people identifiying the Sunday sermon as the #1 factor impacting their choice of church it's a HUGELY important part of your service. And with the world's greatest message (the Gospel) you're already primed for success. Yet so many churches struggle with being relevant...so you'll learn how to apply the Bible to people's "felt needs" and address the deep questions of life...so that people will not only comeonce, come back, and come back again...but also respond!

✔️Because of this we've seen people resond to Christ every single week...with hundreds (this year alone) choosing to follow Jesus...and the same can happen for you...

You'll also learn...✔️The simple tweak you can make to make your vision more clear and powerful...✔️The way to create massive FOMO (fear of missing out) by leaving "meat on the bones" at every service...✔️Simple but effective ways to improve your first impressions...✔️Why "asking" but not "answering" makes it nearly impossible for people not to come back next week...✔️And how to see up to 40% of your returning guests become members...as long as they come back a second time!

✔️And that's just the TIP O' THE ICEBERG!

Hear From Others...

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Results. Guaranteed.

If the 10 Reasons People Don't Come Back To Your Church Audio Course™ doesn't help you learn how to create a great environment at your Sunday service within 30 days and I'll return 100% of your investment. I promise this training works...if you will.

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